Keeping Waterways Safe and Clean

We are a nonprofit social enterprise specializing in the responsible management of natural debris in riparian corridors and waterways. We are committed to public safety, infrastructure protection, and environmental sustainability.  LEARN MORE

Why River Rangers?

Ever since our inception, River Rangers have been working to improve the health and safety of our waterways, educate paddlers and the community about water quality and the impact on our environment.

Large Woody Debris (LWD) and other matter naturally accumulates in our streams and rivers. Unaddressed, these can lead to human injury or death; damage to private and public infrastructure; runoff and flooding; soil erosion and loss of land. Yet waterway maintenance systems are virtually nonexistent. This is where River Rangers steps in.


Debris Management

We customize our process to fit individual needs. Options include assessment, reporting, permits, funding, removal, repurposing, maintenance, and consulting. 


Bank Stabilization

We protect people, property, and aquatic environments from the dangers of erosion. Our vegetated wall system is sustainable, long lasting, and cost-effective.


Hazard Reporting

We engage the public in waterway safety. Our interactive system tracks incoming hazard reports and publicizes them. We then work to remediate the hazards.


Community Education

We convene, educate, and promote collaboration among various stakeholders to ensure all our waterways are healthy habitats that all people can enjoy safely.

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