Hello and welcome to all paddling enthusiasts. We are the RIVER RANGERS™. Founders, Randall (RANDO) Morgan, and Geoff (BURN) Burns would like to welcome you to join us as we pursue safety, education and adventure on the world’s great waterways. As the RIVER RANGERS™ we scout, locate and evaluate potential danger areas in rivers and streams that may impede safe paddling. We also specialize in Team Leadership, Corporate Training, Adventure Tours, Safety Education, Certification and Kayak Training, Product Reviews, and Waterway Management.
River Cleanup and Management
The RIVER RANGERS™ put together a project plan to address danger areas. The synopsis of the project plans are posted here and on our Facebook page. We then implement the project plan.
We invite you to assist in the removal of obstructions. As a volunteer of the RIVER RANGERS™, it’s up to you to decide how much you want to assist us with projects. You can also help us locate dangerous areas that may pose a safety hazard to paddlers, and assist the RIVER RANGERS™ in the removal of the obstruction. Click Here to find the criteria needed to provide the information needed, so we can respond to the danger area.
With your participation, we can accomplish our Mission together: “Keeping Waterways Safe and Clean for Paddlers and Outdoor Enthusiasts.”