Featured Projects

Featured Project

Legacy Logjam

The Little Miami River, the first State and National Scenic River, was completely blocked by Large Woody Debris. The blockage has been active for many years and was not navigable. River Rangers was able to remove the complete blockage and restore the natural flow of the waterway. 

Tire Removal

Wild and Scenic Tire Dump

In Ashtabula County, Ohio, a large dump of over 4,000 tires and trash are strewn over a cliff. The tires land in the riparian area of the Conneaut Creek Wild and Scenic River. Additionally, there is a designated wetlands in the riparian area where many of the tires have come to rest. 

The tires needed to be removed from the area along with the trash and debris with little disruption to the protected area. River Rangers was able to remove the tires up a 120′ ravine without the need for heavy equipment or special permits. 

Historic Flooding

A Losing Battle

In the Village of Granville, a significant buildup of Large Woody Debris was causing significant erosion to the streambanks and increased flooding throughout the riparian corridor for miles. With the help of the Village Maintenance Department, River Rangers was able to extract all of the woody debris and restore that natural flow of the waterway through the Village. 

Residential Bank Stabilization

Flashy Creek Remediation

A local homeowner had three significant erosion areas where the drainage from the subdivision would flow swiftly and cause massive bank and soil loss.

The homeowner wanted to protect the property and provide a safe place for the grandchildren to play and explore. Utilizing a vegetated wall installation, the three areas were recovered and the soil has been stabilized. In the spring, the wall system will be fully vegetated and will only get stronger over the next 70 years. The grand kids also have a safe place to play and enjoy in the summer months. 

"Impossible" to Remove

Tires and Trash

Another Scenic River had experienced several decades of trash and tires being dumped over a large cliff. After initially being told that the project was impossible, River Rangers was able to pull over 360 tires and over 1300 pounds of trash and scrap up the 180 foot cliff face and out of the riparian without the need for heavy equipment or cause any significant damage to the riparian corridor.