history Kayak

History of the Kayak

The kayak, or qayaq, is the traditional hunters boat invented by the Inuit. Spelled qayaq, qajak, qayak, kayaq or kayak, the word actually means, “hunters boat.” Made from a wood frame and covered in seal skin, these genius designs were used for hunting and fishing in the desolate arctic wilderness and dangerous arctic seas.

Humble Beginnings for the Kayak

It is believed that thousands of years ago as people migrated from Asia to North America through an “ice bridge.” These first settlers came from Siberia and found themselves in modern day Alaska, Canada and Greenland. Just like in Siberia, the new land was barren. In order to better survive and provide for their families, these arctic pioneers needed a way to get in the water where hunting and fishing resources were plentiful. The qayaq was the answer.

Made mostly from driftwood or whale bone, these qaanat (kayaks) were custom designed to each user and for very specific purposes. In fact, it is believed that these “primitive” Inuit, Yup’ik and Alutiiq tribes had over 100 different styles of kayak. These kayaks were built to hunt seals, caribou, fish, and anything else they could find. The kayak was a feat of ingenuity and need.

Thanks in part from the qayaq, these Arctic tribes would thrive. It is amazing that these very same waters and lands would prove too much to bear for so many European explorers. In many cases, these conditions cost their lives.

The Modern Kayak

Modern kayaks share no common materials with their ancestors. Still, today’s qajaq has not changed much in design elements since their inception. There are many features that you can add to your kayak to customize, but the idea of the custom kayak has been around since the first kayak was built. For anyone that thinks kayak fishing is a relatively new adventure, it is time to realize that you are about 6,000 years late to the party.

Next time you venture out with your friends or family on the water, take a moment to reflect on the first paddlers who sought kayaks not as a recreational activity, but as a livelihood. They couldn’t go to the local box store or paddle shop and pick up the latest model. Instead, these craftsmen and hunters had to work for months to make the perfect boat for their next excursion. Click here to help you pick the right one for your next adventure. 


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