9/11 Tribute Video
The RIVER RANGERS™ would like to take the opportunity to honor all those who lost their lives and those who responded to the terror attacks on 9/11/2001 with a 9/11 tribute video. We did not put this video together. We would simply like to offer our thoughts and prayers for all the heroes. In a
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Importance of Safety Planning on a Float Trip
The summer season is nearly over, but it is never time to slack in your safety planning. Over this past holiday weekend, there were numerous reports of paddlers needing rescued. Some were on flat water lakes, others were on shallow rivers. Although there were differences in circumstances, there is one thing that is true for
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Frequent Floaters Find Filing Float Plans Fulfilling
Well, if you can get past the obnoxious title of this article and focus on the float plans, we can get somewhere today. I want to talk about float plans and why they are important for paddlers. What are Float Plans? A float plan is a simple document that includes the pertinent information about you
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