Community Education

As a nonprofit organization, we are obligated to push for change in our communities. We seek to make the waterways safe and clean, but it takes more than an idea. It takes collaboration with various stakeholders. Advocacy happens in large crowds, and in one-on-one settings. Our goal is to teach leaders and laypersons alike about woody debris, riparian management, safe padding and recreation, and conservation and stewardship. With the help of fellow advocates and supporters, we are able to enact change that leads to an increase in water quality, habitat development, and recreational use for generations to come.
We love watersports. That is why we are so dedicated to protecting the environment throughout the areas where we love to paddle. For too many years, many waterways have been neglected. Large Woody Debris (LWD) has built up in many great waterways and are no longer passable. Other areas have become so frequently used, that people are damaging the riparian and causing erosion issues. Our teams of advocates and volunteers help to identify problem areas and then seek solutions to address those issues. We also look to educate fellow paddlers and recreators on ways they can reduce their impact on the fragile ecosystems while continuing to enjoy the waterways with their friends and families.

Managing LWD and keeping waterways safe and clean is not something we invented. However, we have pioneered innovative methods for managing the LWD at little or no impact to the riparian corridor. Additionally, we have refined several known techniques to bring them into the next millennium of waterway management through the use of highly mobile equipment, fully biodegradable or recyclable systems, and conservation focused LWD management. Our methods have garnered the attention of governing agencies at every level. We have participated in several collaborative efforts to find simple solutions to complex issues within various waterways. We also produce articles for circulation, in addition to engaging people in seminar and conference settings.