Tires Removed
Hazards Remediated
Miles Cleared
Hazards Reported
People Impacted
Did you know there are over 100,000 miles of floatable waterways in the United States? Have you ever wondered who is responsible for their safety to the public, usage, or environmental impact? It’s been a complicated answer- until NOW.
Through River Rangers International, there is now a way to communicate river hazards and repair damaged areas of our waterways. 
As a Social Enterprise, 501 (c) 3 Organization- River Rangers communicate with the government  and other regulatory agencies responsible for waterways and makes a plan for remediation. Then We Get to Work! 
Get Involved
As a nonprofit, River Rangers mission is Keeping Waterways Safe and Clean, which is enriching quality of life for communities across the country.
Each project takes high level strategy, labor hours in the field, & highly specific tools & materials to bring a project to completion. 
This is where your help is needed. Click Here to Learn More. 

How You Can Help

With additional support, we can bring more projects to completion each year by:


The River Rangers have graciously helped Paddle for Heroes on several occasions. They provided professional water safety for a 5K SUP and kayak race fundraiser. Most recently, they helped clear several large trees blocking the Kokosing River. This allowed Paddle for Heroes to safely paddle the Kokosing River during our 160 mile Mount Vernon to Marietta paddle.
It has been an extreme pleasure to work alongside of the River Rangers. They are not only extremely professional, they are simply good dudes that are easy to get along with ! We both have such a great passion for the safe, fun and assessable river fun. By combining our expertise together we have created some fun and exciting opportunities for river enthusiasts. I look forward to building out more opportunities in the future, for I simply know they will be great !
I love to fish and gig from my canoe and I know how much of a pain it can be for snags and strainers to build up on the river. Hats off to these River Rangers for keeping the rivers safe and clean.
Bob Kreager
The Redneck Turtle Catcher
I have known the Rangers both professionally and personally for many years. Their leadership and development savvy is second to none. They are keeping people safe and training the next generation of leaders on the water. I am proud to call them friends and colleagues.
Karin Cox, MFA
Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Creative Officer, Hartsook Companies
As a river bank homeowner, I can attest to the erosion damage that high, fast water can do. The River Rangers got the necessary permits and did a professional job of building a base for the natural flow of the river to complete and restore our bank. What is even better, their repair work looks natural from the other side of the river.
It was amazing to see the River Rangers stewardship in action. These river advocates passionately protect and restore waterways to ensure paddlers’ safety. I loved every minute volunteering and learning more about Ohio’s gorgeous riverways.
Over the years River Rangers International have been awesome Paddle For Heroes Partners. They have volunteered as safety personnel on the water for some of our fundraiser and River clean up events. Most notably, last year they answered the call to clear debris from the Kokosing River with less than 5 days notice. Their hard work allowed 18 paddlers on the first leg of a 160 mile Veterans awareness kayak trip to paddle 34 miles with out having a portage.
“I’ve paddled many rivers with members of The River Rangers, and I can attest to their skill and passion for safety and enjoyment of our waterways. I was lucky enough to be with them when we got a 70+ year old paddler stuck in a strainer. Their preparedness and professionalism saved the day!”
Chad Hulboy
Software Developer, Racing Insights
We are excited to partner with the River Rangers to bring Wilderness Adventure Kayaking experiences to children, adults, and veterans with disabilities. The Rangers are all trained and certified in adaptive paddling. We are also partnering with them to bring corporate training programs to promote leadership, volunteerism, and inclusion. They even gave me a cool, honorary Ranger nickname – Rio!
I have seen first hand how the River Rangers work and I'm very impressed with their energy and dedication to our rivers. Their initial report on the condition of an 11.1 mile section of the Great Miami River will allow for safer passage of our volunteers during the Clean Sweep of the Great Miami River next month. Rando and Burn are ready to help and we look forward to having them with us in the future.
The Rangers are amazing! Best on the water training and I love that they keep the rivers safe for my family.
Scott Lee
I've had the personal privilege to volunteer/work alongside River Rangers International. The first admirable action I noticed, was their assiduous nature for safety. River Rangers instill safety protocols for their team, the ecosystem and all who enjoy our waterways. They go above and beyond with every project I have witnessed, as they removed dangerous logs and debris, opening up safe passage for paddlers. They respectfully rebuild eroded riverbanks, while creating and restoring natural habitats. River Rangers International is a huge asset to our communities, as they continue to raise the bar for river safety, while using soft hands to benefit nature.
Rosemarie Caskey
Outdoor Enthusiast/ Kayaker